Download 20 char password generator
Download 20 char password generator

download 20 char password generator

Keeping your own copy ensures that the password generator will still be available to you even if this website goes off-line. Notwithstanding this, it is a very good idea to save your own copy of this page. This password generator works using Javascript, entirely within the page, no data is ever passed back to my server. This is the 15 character version, see also the extra-strong 20 character version.To navigate this page using the keyboard, use the TAB and RETURN keys.Most websites will send a password reset via email, so set the password for that email account to something completely different, just in case you ever forget the main password!.Using UPPER or lower case will produce different passwords, when using this for the first time it’s a good idea to use the 'Show Password' tickbox to check for any typos.This is the only version of the password generator with that feature. Click on the password to make this appear. For websites that ask for " letter 3 and letter 7 from your password" the password is counted out at the bottom.For any website that's not on the list, just type the name into the 'Custom' box (the last one in the list) and press Generate.Using a different PC? you can re-generate the same set of passwords at any time by returning to this page and entering the same main password. Copy and paste the new password(s) into the website and set your web browser to remember them.Īll the websites get different passwords, but you only have to remember one! So, the idea is that you memorise just one, reasonably long, secure main password and use that to generate a set of non-dictionary passwords.

download 20 char password generator download 20 char password generator

Sordum Random Password Generator is displayed via a minimalist interface that allows efficient password generation and simple copying of the newly created password.Using the same password for multiple email, shopping and social networking websites is risky, it means that a security breach at one website will compromise all your accounts, possibly even leading to identity theft. Also, you can select the length of the password all the way up to 128 characters. You can set the parameters for your password creation by choosing what letters, symbols, or numbers are used by simply checking/unchecking the appropriate option. Sordum Random Password Generator is a portable utility that will help you to generate unique random passwords utilizing the full spectrum of symbols, alpha (both upper and lowercase), and numerical.

Download 20 char password generator